Saturday, June 30, 2012

List of VIPs caught cheating

(to be updated)

OTB-chess titled players and officials
CZERWOŃSKI Aleksander aka "alekroth", IM, Poland
DEMBO Yelena, WGM and IM, Greece
DOCX Stefan, FM, Belgium
KACAKOVSKI Dimitar, FM, Macedonia
TIRARD Hugo, IM, France

Correspondence chess titled players
HORVATH Alexander, ICCF SIM, Slovakia
WEYERSTRASS Ronald, ICCF IM, Netherlands

Politicians, municipality representatives, publicly active figures
JENICEK Emil, Litvinov, Czech Republic
VAUGHAN Stan, Nevada, USA
ZAVYALOV Volodymyr aka "Vovuha", Ukraine

Scientists & University Staff
Van ERP Pepijn aka "MamboVipi", Radbound University Nijmegen, Netherlands
MIKHAILOV Stepan aka "Massaraksh", Duke University, USA (formerly Russia)
MITCHELL Glenn, Florida State University, USA
WIKSTROM Marten, University of Helsinky, Finland


  1. Polar Bear, just wondering if you're aware of the website "ratemyteacher". Glenn Mitchell is rated on there and he doesn't seem too popular. He's described as pompous and having an air of superiority about him. This of course shouldn't surprise anyone.

  2. Hey Polar_Bear, could you tell me which were the' usernames from Stan Vaughan and Glenn Mitchell? I couldn't recognize them myself yet.

  3. Polar_Bear, Which usernames had Glenn Mitchell and Stan Vaughan used on I haven't heard of them before.
